Does my sushi plate look different to you? Well it doesn’t necessarily taste different to me or might not look out of the ordinary for you, but it’s actually completely different. George-san, my resident sushi chef, the one who’s been fixing my meals weekly for the last, oh, maybe two years, has left No Name Sushi!
Apparently there’s some drama going on with the boss NOT paying her workers, and George-san hadn’t been paid in a while. Undeniably, he was getting fed-up, and rightfully so. It just sucks because he added so much to the place, and the new chef doesn’t look at friendly. I only hope my sushi-lady, Hiroko-san, doesn’t leave. I may just be forced to find a new weekly regular restaurant spot.
This is so telling of what’s going on in the world in general. Lots of changes happening. Does the sushi taste the same? Yes. Is it better than George-san’s? Well, I suppose that’s yet to be determined.