Karla was telling me about this fantastic community-organized event they hold annually in DC called “Learn-a-Palooza.” Check out the description from their FAQ:
Learn-a-Palooza is a day-long fair being held May 10, 2008 where DC’s Mid-city (Adams Morgan, U St, Columbia Heights, Dupont) residents, artists, and business owners will offer classes on hundreds of different topics. Classes will range from “3 Basic Yoga Poses”, to “How to Change a Bike Tire”, to “10 Words in Farsi”, to “Columbia Heights History”, to “Intro to Red Wine”, to “Learn to Sing”, to “Be a YouTube Star”. Anyone who has something to share (and basically we all do) can offer a class.
The event will be free and open to the public.
How cool is that??? I feel like this is something that should have already been happening in San Francisco. Maybe we do? Has anyone heard of anything like this in SF?
If not, I don’t think it would be too hard to put together. And imagine the benefits! Community engagement, learning for the masses, people getting to step out of their comfort zones, businesses/organizations getting exposure. The benefits are limitless.
Who wants to help me organize this for 2009? If anything, it will be an interesting experiment in community engagement.
omg – ME! That sounds awesome, and given my feelings about my job right now, it would be a joy to work on something fun and valuable, with fun people!
AWESOME!!! I’m so in!!