New Years Goals 2008

I can’t believe almost a week of 2008 has transpired, and I am just now getting myself organized with these New Years Goals. Well, truth be told, I’ve been tinkering with this list for about 2 weeks now, and I just wanted to make sure that I fully thought them through. The trouble with being so goal-oriented is that sometimes I get too ambitious for my own good, as evidenced by last year’s list of New Years Goals.

So this time around, I’ve created a more focused list of goals, and I have also re-examined the personal values that I started last year. I took one away, and added another. It was an interesting exercise to remember that I created these values, and that means I can also re-create them or change them as I see fit. Because they are relatively new (only a year old), there’s still some massaging that needs to happen with them.

Personal Values

  • Challenging Adventures – I live for new and challenging experiences, whether that’s professionally or personally, with others or in another country. The thrill of adventure stimulates my soul.
  • Contribution to the World – I live to make lasting impacts on social change organizations and the community at large.
  • Expressing Creativity – Being able to express my self through new ideas and innovation is what keeps me inspired, whether it’s artistically, musically or professionally.
  • Lifelong Learning – I love to learn. I am energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence to mastery.
  • Quality – I choose to live a full and quality life, which is neither below my standards of excellence. nor is it excessive.
  • Family & Friends – Above all, my life is about the people I choose to journey with. They are my heart.

New Years Goals 2008*

Goals Difficulty When
Save enough money to have 3 months worth of emergency funds by June 2008. Difficult Q1 and Q2
Hold a full-length conversation in Spanish, in a Spanish-speaking country. Difficult by Q3
Be in a quality relationship for longer than 5 weeks, if the opportunity arises. Difficult ??
Continue spending quality time with my family. Moderate Throughout the year
Invest in and build deeper friendships (with special emphasis with friends in the Bay area). Moderate Throughout the year
Visit another country. Moderate Q4
Get more sleep. Easy Starting Q1
Do a handstand. Easy Q2

*I actually can’t display one of my goals until June or July because it contains sensitive information.

So there are my 2008 goals. I’ll be back intermittently with updates, and maybe some new goals to spruce things up. Even though there 8 pretty sizeable goals here, I feel like I’m still missing THE challenge… Either way, 2008… Bring it! I’m ready for you!

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