College Summit time!!! I’m headed to the University of the Pacific in Stockton, which is about 1-2 hours away from San Francisco.
And this time I am a Writing Coach Coordinator, instead of a Writing Coach. Yes, the student has become the teacher. Well, no, not really. The teacher has become the teacher of the teachers, which should be an interesting new role for me.
Slowly I’m transferring my teaching to the adults in the work that I do. Here’s a sneak peak at the epiphany I had with BUILD and our need to change “business models.” I’m titling it: “Building high-touch into the BUILD community.”
In the past, only a few staff members were given the responsibility to build strong relationships with the students. That coupled with the small amount of students, and the small staff to student ratio, meant that high touch was a natural effect and model to follow.
As we grow in the number of students we serve in the Incubator and start to consider the scalability of our Youth Business Incubator model, we cannot continue to serve the students with the same “high-touch� model. I propose that we build the high touch model into the BUILD community.
Building high touch into the BUILD community would mobilize and equip students and mentors to work better with each other and use each other as resources. Staff would be involved in a more management and facilitation capacity. Not only is this model more scalable, it is a necessary shift in logic for the Incubator program to work with the amount of students that we are aiming to successfully serve.
Deep, I know. I’m creating a whole presentation and “lesson” for my staff on it. Facts and data are on their way!
Off to Stockton tomorrow! Peace